
# Packages to be used
packages <- c("data.table", "tidyverse","e1071", "caret", "mlr",
              "modelr", "randomForest", "rpart", "rpart.plot", 
              "GGally", "ggExtra")


# Activate all packages

PISA Dataset

# fread function from data.table
pisa <- fread("pisa_turkey.csv", na.strings = "")
[1] "data.table" "data.frame"
# Base R function for csv files (DON'T RUN)
pisa <- read.csv("pisa_turkey.csv", header = TRUE)
[1] "data.frame"
# See variable names
 [1] "CNTSTUID"    "gender"      "female"      "grade"       "computer"   
 [6] "software"    "internet"    "desk"        ""    ""
[11] "lit"         "poetry"      "art"         "book.sch"    ""  
[16] "dict"        ""    "ST011Q05TA"  "ST071Q02NA"  "ST071Q01NA" 
[21] "ST123Q02NA"  "ST082Q01NA"  "ST119Q01NA"  "ST119Q05NA"  "ANXTEST"    
[26] "COOPERATE"   "BELONG"      "EMOSUPS"     "WEALTH"      "PARED"      
[31] "TMINS"       "ESCS"        "TEACHSUP"    "TDTEACH"     "IBTEACH"    
[36] "SCIEEFF"     "math"        "reading"     "science"    
# Preview the data
  CNTSTUID gender female   grade computer software internet desk
1 79200939 Female      1 Grade 9        0        0        0    1        1
2 79206774 Female      1 Grade 9        1        1        1    1        1
3 79204670 Female      1 Grade 9        0        0        1    1        0
4 79201647 Female      1 Grade 9        1        1        0    1        0
5 79203718 Female      1 Grade 9        0        0        0    0        0
6 79204968 Female      1 Grade 9        0        0        0    1        0 lit poetry art book.sch dict ST011Q05TA
1           1   1      1   0        1         0    1        0         No
2           0   1      0   1        1         0    1        0        Yes
3           0   1      0   0        0         0    1        0         No
4           0   1      1   0        0         0    1        0        Yes
5           0   0      0   0        0         0    1        0         No
6           0   0      1   0        0         0    1        0         No
  ST071Q02NA ST071Q01NA     ST123Q02NA        ST082Q01NA     ST119Q01NA
1         11          7 Strongly agree             Agree Strongly agree
2         NA          5 Strongly agree             Agree Strongly agree
3          6          4          Agree             Agree Strongly agree
4          6          3          Agree          Disagree Strongly agree
5          6          6 Strongly agree          Disagree          Agree
6         12          6       Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree
1 Strongly agree  1.4394    1.3264 -0.8482  0.5658 -1.7154    12  1560
2          Agree  0.6654    1.1640 -0.7657  1.0991 -1.2426     8   900
3 Strongly agree  1.2704    0.5759 -0.5064 -1.3298 -1.2256    12  1600
4 Strongly agree  2.5493    0.9675  0.3142 -0.3306 -1.8473    16  2280
5 Strongly agree  1.1311   -0.2882 -0.6925 -0.2495 -4.7851     4  1600
6 Strongly agree  1.1311   -1.0629 -0.9932 -1.8280 -2.8012    14  1495
     ESCS TEACHSUP TDTEACH IBTEACH SCIEEFF     math  reading  science
1 -1.7902   0.7900  0.9505  0.8519  1.8526 361.9234 408.0202 394.2937
2 -1.8259   1.4475  0.6580 -1.0496 -0.2154 325.4144 375.4197 350.5305
3 -1.2038  -0.1164  0.4505  0.5453  0.5561 365.5649 381.6692 396.2027
4 -0.9068  -0.4527 -0.0057  1.4812  0.5037 333.6344 345.9447 336.3870
5 -4.1131   0.2725  0.0615  0.9054  0.1091 381.7032 381.6998 403.6358
6 -1.0631  -1.0080 -0.8780  0.0441 -1.4295 352.0996 350.1369 393.2887
# Dimensions
[1] 5895   39
# Structure
'data.frame':   5895 obs. of  39 variables:
 $ CNTSTUID   : int  79200939 79206774 79204670 79201647 79203718 79204968 79200200 79200563 79200129 79205586 ...
 $ gender     : Factor w/ 2 levels "Female","Male": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ female     : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ grade      : Factor w/ 6 levels "Grade 10","Grade 11",..: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 ...
 $ computer   : int  0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 ...
 $ software   : int  0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 NA ...
 $ internet   : int  0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
 $ desk       : int  1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 ...
 $   : int  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
 $ int  1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 ...
 $ lit        : int  1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
 $ poetry     : int  1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 NA ...
 $ art        : int  0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA ...
 $ book.sch   : int  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 ...
 $  : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA ...
 $ dict       : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $   : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
 $ ST011Q05TA : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 NA ...
 $ ST071Q02NA : int  11 NA 6 6 6 12 6 6 NA 3 ...
 $ ST071Q01NA : int  7 5 4 3 6 6 7 4 NA 10 ...
 $ ST123Q02NA : Factor w/ 4 levels "Agree","Disagree",..: 3 3 1 1 3 2 3 3 1 3 ...
 $ ST082Q01NA : Factor w/ 4 levels "Agree","Disagree",..: 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 4 2 3 ...
 $ ST119Q01NA : Factor w/ 4 levels "Agree","Disagree",..: 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ ST119Q05NA : Factor w/ 4 levels "Agree","Disagree",..: 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ ANXTEST    : num  1.439 0.665 1.27 2.549 1.131 ...
 $ COOPERATE  : num  1.326 1.164 0.576 0.968 -0.288 ...
 $ BELONG     : num  -0.848 -0.766 -0.506 0.314 -0.693 ...
 $ EMOSUPS    : num  0.566 1.099 -1.33 -0.331 -0.249 ...
 $ WEALTH     : num  -1.72 -1.24 -1.23 -1.85 -4.79 ...
 $ PARED      : int  12 8 12 16 4 14 8 4 4 8 ...
 $ TMINS      : int  1560 900 1600 2280 1600 1495 1600 1600 NA 1600 ...
 $ ESCS       : num  -1.79 -1.826 -1.204 -0.907 -4.113 ...
 $ TEACHSUP   : num  0.79 1.448 -0.116 -0.453 0.273 ...
 $ TDTEACH    : num  0.9505 0.658 0.4505 -0.0057 0.0615 ...
 $ IBTEACH    : num  0.852 -1.05 0.545 1.481 0.905 ...
 $ SCIEEFF    : num  1.853 -0.215 0.556 0.504 0.109 ...
 $ math       : num  362 325 366 334 382 ...
 $ reading    : num  408 375 382 346 382 ...
 $ science    : num  394 351 396 336 404 ...
Variable Description Variable Description
gender Gender ST123Q02NA Whether parents support educational efforts
female Female ST082Q01NA Prefering working in a team over working alone
grade Grade ST119Q01NA Wanting top grades in most or all courses
computer Computer at home? ST119Q05NA Wanting to the best student in class
software Software at home? ANXTEST Test anxiety
internet Internet at home? COOPERATE Enjoying cooperation
desk Desk at home? BELONG Sense of belonging to school Own a room at home? EMOSUPS Parents emotional support Quiet study area at home? WEALTH Family wealth
lit Interest in literature PARED Highest parental education in years of schooling
poetry Interest in poetry TMINS Total learning time per week
art Interest in art ESCS Index of economic, social and cultural status
book.sch School books TEACHSUP Teacher support in science classes Technical books TDTEACH Teacher-directed science instruction
dict Dictionary IBTEACH Inquiry based science instruction Art book SCIEEFF SCIEEFF
ST011Q05TA Software at home? math Students math scores in PISA 2015
ST071Q02NA Time spent for learning math reading Students reading scores in PISA 2015
ST071Q01NA Time spent for learning science science Students science scores in PISA 2015

Data Wrangling and Visualization

Let’s define a few additional variables here using the dplyr package.

pisa <- mutate(pisa,
               # Reorder the levels of grade 
               grade = factor(grade, 
                              levels = c("Grade 7", "Grade 8", "Grade 9", "Grade 10",
                                         "Grade 11", "Grade 12", "Grade 13", 
               # Define a numerical grade variable
               grade1 = (as.numeric(sapply(grade, function(x) {
                 if(x=="Grade 7") "7"
                 else if (x=="Grade 8") "8"
                 else if (x=="Grade 9") "9"
                 else if (x=="Grade 10") "10"
                 else if (x=="Grade 11") "11"
                 else if (x=="Grade 12") "12"
                 else if (x=="Grade 13") NA_character_
                 else if (x=="Ungraded") NA_character_}))),
               # Total learning time as hours
               learning = round(TMINS/60, 0),

              # Science performance based on OECD average
              science_oecd = as.factor(ifelse(science >= 493, "High", "Low")),
              # Science performance based on Turkey's average
              science_tr = as.factor(ifelse(science >= 422, "High", "Low")))

We can summarize the target variable (science) by categorical independent variables and see if there is any relationship.

# By grade
pisa %>%
  group_by(grade) %>%
  summarise(Count = n(),
            science = mean(science, na.rm = TRUE),
            computer = mean(computer, na.rm = TRUE),
            software = mean(software, na.rm = TRUE),
            internet = mean(internet, na.rm = TRUE),
   = mean(, na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 6 x 7
  grade    Count science computer software internet
  <fct>    <int>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1 Grade 7     16    328.   0.0625    0.312   0.0625    0.438
2 Grade 8    105    338.   0.303     0.385   0.26      0.324
3 Grade 9   1273    386.   0.609     0.427   0.571     0.657
4 Grade 10  4308    435.   0.710     0.422   0.666     0.740
5 Grade 11   186    418.   0.514     0.324   0.455     0.626
6 Grade 12     7    404.   0.571     0.429   0.286     0.714
# By grade and gender
pisa %>%
  group_by(grade, gender) %>%
  summarise(Count = n(),
            science = mean(science, na.rm = TRUE),
            computer = mean(computer, na.rm = TRUE),
            software = mean(software, na.rm = TRUE),
            internet = mean(internet, na.rm = TRUE),
   = mean(, na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 12 x 8
# Groups:   grade [6]
   grade    gender Count science computer software internet
   <fct>    <fct>  <int>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 Grade 7  Female     6    339.    0        0.333    0        0.333
 2 Grade 7  Male      10    322.    0.1      0.3      0.1      0.5  
 3 Grade 8  Female    42    338.    0.275    0.436    0.220    0.268
 4 Grade 8  Male      63    338.    0.322    0.351    0.288    0.361
 5 Grade 9  Female   494    388.    0.602    0.435    0.551    0.651
 6 Grade 9  Male     779    385.    0.613    0.422    0.584    0.660
 7 Grade 10 Female  2272    434.    0.710    0.459    0.671    0.750
 8 Grade 10 Male    2036    437.    0.711    0.382    0.660    0.729
 9 Grade 11 Female   120    421.    0.504    0.342    0.439    0.633
10 Grade 11 Male      66    412.    0.532    0.288    0.484    0.613
11 Grade 12 Female     4    408.    0.75     0.5      0.5      1    
12 Grade 12 Male       3    397.    0.333    0.333    0        0.333

Now we can visualize some of the variables in the data. Let’s view science performance by grade.

ggplot(data = pisa, 
       mapping = aes(x = grade, y = science)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(x=NULL, y="Science Scores") +

Let’s add horizontal line representing the OECD (red) and Turkey (blue) averages.

ggplot(data = pisa, 
       mapping = aes(x = grade, y = science)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(x=NULL, y="Science Scores") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 493, linetype="dashed", color = "red", size = 1) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 422, linetype="dashed", color = "blue", size = 1) +

Add gender as a color layer using fill = gender:

ggplot(data = pisa, 
       mapping = aes(x = grade, y = science, fill = gender)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  labs(x=NULL, y="Science Scores") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 493, linetype="dashed", color = "red", size = 1) +

Let’s see the impact of gender even further.

ggpairs(data = pisa,
        mapping = aes(color = gender),
        columns = c("reading", "science", "math"),
        upper = list(continuous = wrap("cor", size = 4.5))

To examine conditional relationships:

p1 <- ggplot(data = pisa,
             mapping = aes(x = learning, y = science)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess") +
  labs(x = "Weekly Learning Time", y = "Science Scores") +

# Replace "histogram" with "boxplot" or "density" for other types
ggMarginal(p1, type = "histogram")

Most importantly, correlations among the variables should be checked:

ggcorr(data = pisa[,c("science", "reading", "computer", "", "",
                      "ESCS", "SCIEEFF", "BELONG", "ANXTEST", "COOPERATE", "learning", 
                      "EMOSUPS", "grade1")],
       method = c("pairwise.complete.obs", "pearson"),
       label = TRUE, label_size = 4)

Decision Trees

We will split our dataset into a training dataset and a test dataset. We will train the decision tree on the training data and check its accuracy using the test data. In order to replicate the results later on, we need to set the seed – which will allow us to fix the randomization. Next, we remove the missing cases, save it as a new dataset, and then use createDataPartition() from the caret package to create an index to split the dataset as 70% to 30% using p = 0.7.

# Set the seed before splitting the data

# We need to remove missing cases
pisa_nm <- na.omit(pisa)

# Split the data into training and test
index <- createDataPartition(pisa_nm$science_tr, p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- pisa_nm[index, ]
test  <- pisa_nm[-index, ]

[1] 2962
[1] 1268

To build a decision tree model, we will use the rpart function from the rpart package. In the function, there are several elements:

We will start building our decision tree model df_fit1 (standing for decision tree fit for model 1) with no pruning (i.e., cp = 0) and no cross-validation as we have a test dataset already (i.e., xval = 0). We will use the Gini index for the splitting.

dt_fit1 <- rpart(formula = science_tr ~ grade1 + computer + + ESCS + 
                   EMOSUPS + COOPERATE,
                 data = train,
                 method = "class", 
                 control = rpart.control(minsplit = 20, 
                                         cp = 0, 
                                         xval = 0),
                parms = list(split = "gini"))

To see the results:


Note that the output will be way too long… We definitely need to prune the trees; otherwise the model yields a very complex model with many nodes – which is very likely to overfit the data. In the following model, we use cp = 0.006. Remember that as we increase cp, the pruning for the model will also increase. The higher the cp value, the shorter the trees with possibly fewer predictors.

dt_fit2 <- rpart(formula = science_tr ~ grade1 + computer + + ESCS + 
                   EMOSUPS + COOPERATE,
                 data = train,
                 method = "class", 
                 control = rpart.control(minsplit = 20, 
                                         cp = 0.006, 
                                         xval = 0),
                parms = list(split = "gini"))


Now our model is less complex compared compared to the previous model. In the above decision tree plot, each node shows:

Let’s play with the colors to make the trees even more distinct. Also, we will adjust which values should be shown in the nodes, using extra = 8 (see other possible options HERE). Each node in the new plot shows:

rpart.plot(dt_fit2, extra = 8, box.palette = "RdBu", shadow.col = "gray")

Now let’s print the output of our model using printcp():


Classification tree:
rpart(formula = science_tr ~ grade1 + computer + + ESCS + 
    EMOSUPS + COOPERATE, data = train, method = "class", parms = list(split = "gini"), 
    control = rpart.control(minsplit = 20, cp = 0.006, xval = 0))

Variables actually used in tree construction:
[1] computer  COOPERATE EMOSUPS   ESCS      grade1   

Root node error: 1384/2962 = 0.46725

n= 2962 

         CP nsplit rel error
1 0.2124277      0   1.00000
2 0.0274566      1   0.78757
3 0.0166185      3   0.73266
4 0.0068642      4   0.71604
5 0.0060000      8   0.68786

In the output, CP refers to the complexity parameter, nsplit is the number of splits in the decision tree based on the complexity parameter, and rel error is the relative error (i.e., \(1 - R^2\)) of the solution. This is the error for predictions of the data that were used to estimate the model. The section of Variables actually used in tree construction shows which variables have been used in the final model.

In addition to printcp(), we can use summary() to print out more detailed results with all splits.


1varImp()from thecaret` package tells us which variables are more influential in the analysis:

computer  161.73479
COOPERATE  90.74337
EMOSUPS    98.51003
ESCS      175.98497
grade1    114.83902   19.95518

The larger the values are, the more crucial they are for the model. In our example, computer and ESCS seem to be highly important for the decision tree model, whereas is the least important variable.

Furthermore, we need to check the classification accuracy of the estimated decision tree with the test data. Otherwise, it is hard to justify whether the estimated decision tree would work accurately for prediction. Below we estimate the predicted classes (either high or low) from the test data by applying the estimated model. First we obtain model predictions using predict() and then turn the results into a data frame called dt_pred.

dt_pred <- predict(dt_fit2, test) %>%

        High       Low
1  0.2431118 0.7568882
3  0.2431118 0.7568882
4  0.2431118 0.7568882
5  0.2431118 0.7568882
7  0.2431118 0.7568882
13 0.4385113 0.5614887

This dataset shows each observation’s (i.e., students from the test data) probability of falling into either high or low categories based on the decision rules that we estimated. We will turn these probabilities into binary classifications, depending on whether they are >= \(50\%\). Then, we will compare these estimates with the actual classes in the test data (i.e., test$science_tr) in order to create a confusion matrix.

dt_pred <- mutate(dt_pred,
  science_tr = as.factor(ifelse(High >= 0.5, "High", "Low"))
  ) %>%
confusionMatrix(dt_pred$science_tr, test$science_tr)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction High Low
      High  448 232
      Low   228 360
               Accuracy : 0.6372             
                 95% CI : (0.6101, 0.6637)   
    No Information Rate : 0.5331             
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.00000000000004221
                  Kappa : 0.2709             
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.8888             
            Sensitivity : 0.6627             
            Specificity : 0.6081             
         Pos Pred Value : 0.6588             
         Neg Pred Value : 0.6122             
             Prevalence : 0.5331             
         Detection Rate : 0.3533             
   Detection Prevalence : 0.5363             
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.6354             
       'Positive' Class : High               

The output shows that the overall accuracy is around 64%, sensitivity is 66%, and specificity is 61%. For only a few variable, this is not bad. However, adding more correlated variables can increase the accuracy and sensitivity of the model.

As you may remember, we set xval = 0 in our decision tree models because we did not want to run any cross-validation samples. However, cross-validations (e.g., K-fold approach) are highly useful when we do not have a test or validation dataset, or our dataset is to small to split into training and test data. A typical way to use cross-validation in decision trees is to not specify a cp (i.e., complexity parameter) and perform cross validation. In the following example, we will assume that our dataset is not too big and thus we want to run 10 cross-validation samples (i.e., splits) as we build our decision tree model. Note that we use cp = 0 this time.

dt_fit3 <- rpart(formula = science_tr ~ grade1 + computer + + ESCS + 
                   EMOSUPS + COOPERATE,
                 data = train,
                 method = "class", 
                 control = rpart.control(minsplit = 20,
                                         cp = 0,
                                         xval = 10),
                parms = list(split = "gini"))

In the results, we can evaluate the cross-validated error (i.e., X-val Relative Error) and choose the complexity parameter that would give us an acceptable value. Then, we can use this cp value and prune the trees. We use plotcp() function to visualize the cross-validation results.


Classification tree:
rpart(formula = science_tr ~ grade1 + computer + + ESCS + 
    EMOSUPS + COOPERATE, data = train, method = "class", parms = list(split = "gini"), 
    control = rpart.control(minsplit = 20, cp = 0, xval = 10))

Variables actually used in tree construction:
[1] computer  COOPERATE EMOSUPS   ESCS      grade1 

Root node error: 1384/2962 = 0.46725

n= 2962 

           CP nsplit rel error  xerror     xstd
1  0.21242775      0   1.00000 1.00000 0.019620
2  0.02745665      1   0.78757 0.78757 0.018964
3  0.01661850      3   0.73266 0.75434 0.018787
4  0.00686416      4   0.71604 0.73555 0.018676
5  0.00523844      8   0.68786 0.73194 0.018654
6  0.00505780     13   0.66113 0.72760 0.018628
7  0.00433526     14   0.65607 0.71965 0.018578
8  0.00397399     15   0.65173 0.72038 0.018582
9  0.00289017     17   0.64379 0.71460 0.018545
10 0.00252890     21   0.63223 0.72327 0.018601
11 0.00216763     27   0.61272 0.72471 0.018610
12 0.00180636     33   0.59899 0.73555 0.018676
13 0.00144509     37   0.59032 0.73988 0.018702
14 0.00120424     44   0.58020 0.75723 0.018803
15 0.00108382     56   0.56214 0.76156 0.018827
16 0.00088311     58   0.55997 0.77457 0.018897
17 0.00086705     69   0.54986 0.77818 0.018916
18 0.00072254     85   0.53107 0.79697 0.019011
19 0.00065029    100   0.51951 0.79697 0.019011
20 0.00048170    112   0.51156 0.80275 0.019038
21 0.00036127    118   0.50867 0.80708 0.019059
22 0.00018064    132   0.50289 0.81647 0.019102
23 0.00014451    136   0.50217 0.81720 0.019105
24 0.00000000    141   0.50145 0.82225 0.019127

Based on the results above, we can specify an ideal CP value (e.g., 0.0034) and re-run the model without cross-validation.

Random Forests

In R, randomForest and caret packages can be used to apply the random forest algorithm to classification and regression problems. The use of the randomForest() function is similar to that of rpart(). The main elements that we need to define are:

There are also other elements that we can change depending on whether it is a classification or regression model (see ?randomForest for more details). In the following example, we will focus on the same classification problem that we used before for decision trees. We initially set ntree = 1000 to get 1000 trees in total but we will evaluate whether we need all of these trees to have an accurate model.

rf_fit1 <- randomForest(formula = science_tr ~ grade1 + computer + + ESCS + 
                          EMOSUPS + COOPERATE,
                        data = train,
                        importance = TRUE, 
                        ntree = 1000)


 randomForest(formula = science_tr ~ grade1 + computer + +      ESCS + EMOSUPS + COOPERATE, data = train, importance = TRUE,      ntree = 1000) 
               Type of random forest: classification
                     Number of trees: 1000
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

        OOB estimate of  error rate: 33.05%
Confusion matrix:
     High Low class.error
High 1199 379   0.2401774
Low   600 784   0.4335260

In the output, we see the confusion matrix along with classification error and out-of-bag (OOB) error. OBB is a method of measuring the prediction error of random forests, finding the mean prediction error on each training sample, using only the trees that did not have in their bootstrap sample. The results show that the overall OBB error is around 33%, while the classification error is 24% for the high category and around 43% for the low category.

Next, by checking the level error across the number of trees, we can determine the ideal number of trees for our model.


The plot shows that the error level does not go down any further after roughly 50 trees. So, we can run our model again by using ntree = 50 this time.

rf_fit2 <- randomForest(formula = science_tr ~ grade1 + computer + + ESCS + 
                          EMOSUPS + COOPERATE,
                        data = train,
                        importance = TRUE, 
                        ntree = 50)


 randomForest(formula = science_tr ~ grade1 + computer + +      ESCS + EMOSUPS + COOPERATE, data = train, importance = TRUE,      ntree = 50) 
               Type of random forest: classification
                     Number of trees: 50
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

        OOB estimate of  error rate: 33.15%
Confusion matrix:
     High Low class.error
High 1203 375   0.2376426
Low   607 777   0.4385838

We can see the overall accuracy of model as follows:

sum(diag(rf_fit2$confusion)) / nrow(train)
[1] 0.6684673

As we did for the decision trees, we can check the importance of the predictors in the model, using importance() and varImpPlot(). With importance(), we will first import the importance measures, turn it into a data.frame, save the row names as predictor names, and finally sort the data by MeanDecreaseGini (or, you can also see the basic output using only importance(rf_fit2))

importance(rf_fit2) %>% %>%
  mutate(Predictors = row.names(.)) %>%
        High       Low MeanDecreaseAccuracy MeanDecreaseGini Predictors
1 10.3285846  7.255164            13.893529        315.94495       ESCS
2  5.0398120  4.205330             6.599446        187.90433  COOPERATE
3  3.9979602  3.222740             5.636452        169.57163    EMOSUPS
4 17.2757145 14.219412            18.950736        102.81910     grade1
5  4.2833612  7.516286             8.396277         52.71843   computer
6  0.1854807  2.119964             2.081243         23.13221
           main = "Importance of Variables for Science Performance")

The output shows different importance measures for the predictors that we used in the model. MeanDecreaseAccuracy and MeanDecreaseGini represent the overall classification error rate (or, mean squared error for regression) and the total decrease in node impurities from splitting on the variable, averaged over all trees. In the output, ESCS and grade are the two predictors that seem to influence the model performance substantially, whereas and EMOSUPS are the least important variables. varImpPlot() presents the same information visually.

Next, we check the confusion matrix to see the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of our model.

rf_pred <- predict(rf_fit2, test) %>% %>%
  mutate(science_tr = as.factor(`.`)) %>%
confusionMatrix(rf_pred$science_tr, test$science_tr)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction High Low
      High  522 286
      Low   154 306
               Accuracy : 0.653                
                 95% CI : (0.6261, 0.6792)     
    No Information Rate : 0.5331               
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 0.00000000000000022
                  Kappa : 0.2931               
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.0000000004233      
            Sensitivity : 0.7722               
            Specificity : 0.5169               
         Pos Pred Value : 0.6460               
         Neg Pred Value : 0.6652               
             Prevalence : 0.5331               
         Detection Rate : 0.4117               
   Detection Prevalence : 0.6372               
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.6445               
       'Positive' Class : High                 

Better or worse than decision tree results???

Support Vector Machines

To do support vector classifiers (and SVMs) in R, we’ll use the e1071 package (though the caret package could be used, too). The svm function in the e1071 package requires that the outcome variable is a factor – like the science_tr variable that we created earlier. If the outcome is not a factor, svm will perform regression.

To perform support vector classification, we use the svm function with the kernel = "linear" argument. We also need to specify our tolerance, which is represented by the cost argument. The cost parameter is essentially the inverse of the tolerance parameter, C. When the cost value is low, the tolerance is high (i.e., the margin is wide and there are lots of support vectors) and when the cost value is high, the tolerance is low (i.e., narrower margin). By default cost = 1 and we will tune this parameter via cross-validation momentarily. For now, we’ll just fit the model.

svc_fit <- svm(formula = science_tr ~ reading + math + grade1 + computer + +
                 ESCS + EMOSUPS + COOPERATE, 
               data = train, 
               kernel = "linear")

We can obtain basic information about our model using the summary function.


svm(formula = science_tr ~ reading + math + grade1 + computer + + ESCS + EMOSUPS + COOPERATE, data = train, kernel = "linear")

   SVM-Type:  C-classification 
 SVM-Kernel:  linear 
       cost:  1 

Number of Support Vectors:  691

 ( 346 345 )

Number of Classes:  2 

 High Low

We see there are 691 support vectors: 346 in class “High” and 345 in class “Low”. We can also plot our model but we need to specify the two features we want to plot (because our model has six feature). Let’s look at the model with reading on the y-axis and math on the x-axis.

plot(svc_fit, data = train, reading ~ math)

<img src=“index_files/figure-html/svm3”-1.png" width=“768” style=“display: block; margin: auto;” />

In this figure, the Xs are the support vectors, while the Os are the non-support vector observations; the upper triangle are for “High”, while the lower triangle is for “Low”. While the decision boundary looks jagged, it’s just an artifact of the way it’s drawn with this function. We can see that many observations are misclassified (i.e., some red points are in the higher triangle and some black points are in the lower triangle). However, there are a lot of observations shown in this figure and it is difficult to discern the nature of the misclassification. Therefore, let’s take a random sample of 500 observations to get a better sense of our classifier.

ran_obs <- sample(1:nrow(train), 500)
plot(svc_fit, data = train[ran_obs, ], reading ~ math)

Initially when we fit the support vector classifier, we used the default cost parameter, but we really should select this parameter through tuning via cross-validation as we might be able to do an even better job at classifying. The e1071 package includes a tune function which makes this easy and automatic. It performs the tuning via 10-folds cross-validation by default, which is probably a fine tradeoff. We need to provide the tune function with a range of cost values (which again corresponds to our tolerance to violate the margin and hyperplane).

tune_svc <- tune(svm, 
                 science_tr ~ reading + math + grade1 + computer + +
                 ESCS + EMOSUPS + COOPERATE, 
                 data = train,
                 ranges = list(cost = c(.01, .1, 1, 5, 10)))

We can view the cross-validation errors by using the summary function on this object.


Parameter tuning of 'svm':

- sampling method: 10-fold cross validation 

- best parameters:

- best performance: 0.0992538 

- Detailed performance results:
   cost     error dispersion
1  0.01 0.0992538 0.01742894
2  0.10 0.1026231 0.01752322
3  1.00 0.1026242 0.01470387
4  5.00 0.1029621 0.01488161
5 10.00 0.1029621 0.01488161

And then select the best model and view it.

best_svc <- tune_svc$best.model

best.tune(method = svm, train.x = science_tr ~ reading + math + 
    grade1 + computer + + ESCS + EMOSUPS + COOPERATE, 
    data = train, ranges = list(cost = c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10)), 
    kernel = "linear")

   SVM-Type:  C-classification 
 SVM-Kernel:  linear 
       cost:  0.01 

Number of Support Vectors:  1016

 ( 510 506 )

Number of Classes:  2 

 High Low

Next, we write a function to evaluate our classifier that has one argument that takes a confusion matrix.

#' Evaluate classifier
#' Evaluates a classifier (e.g. SVM, logistic regression)
#' @param tab a confusion matrix
eval_classifier <- function(tab, print = F){
  n <- sum(tab)
  TN <- tab[2,2]
  FP <- tab[2,1]
  FN <- tab[1,2]
  TP <- tab[1,1]
  classify.rate <- (TP + TN) / n
  TP.rate <- TP / (TP + FN)
  TN.rate <- TN / (TN + FP)
  object <- data.frame(accuracy = classify.rate,
                       sensitivity = TP.rate,
                       specificity = TN.rate)

A confusion matrix for our best_svc can be created by:

# to create a confusion matrix this order is important!
# observed values first and predict values second!
svc_train <- table(train$science_tr, predict(best_svc)) 
   accuracy sensitivity specificity
1 0.9027684    0.900507   0.9053468

These statistics are likely overly optimistic as we are evaluating our model using the training data (the same data that we used to build our model). How well does the model perform on the testing data?

svc_test <- table(test$science_tr, predict(best_svc, newdata = test))
   accuracy sensitivity specificity
1 0.9290221   0.9289941   0.9290541

The statistics are impressively high! This is a very good classifier indeed. This is likely because math and reading are so highly correlated with science scores.

Comparison to logistic regression

Support vector classifiers are quite similar to logistic regression. This has to do with them having similar loss functions (the functions used to estimate the parameters). In situations where the classes are well separated, SVM (more generally), tend to do better than logistic regression and when they are not well separated, logistic regression tends to do better (James et al., 2013).

Let’s compare logistic regression to the support vector classier. We’ll begin by fitting the model

lr_fit <- glm(science_tr ~ reading + math + grade1 + computer + + ESCS + 
                EMOSUPS + COOPERATE, 
              data = train, 
              family = "binomial")

and then viewing the coefficients.

(Intercept)     reading        math      grade1    computer 
34.92263354 -0.03862266 -0.04140528 -0.14934789  0.07882287  0.23195757 
-0.10357636 -0.00733228 -0.08985897 

How does it do relative to our best support vector classifier on the training and the testing data sets? For the training data set:

lr_train <- table(train$science_tr, 
                  round(predict(lr_fit, type = "response")))
          0    1
  High 1421  157
  Low   133 1251
   accuracy sensitivity specificity
1 0.9020932    0.900507   0.9039017

and then for the testing data set:

lr_test <- table(test$science_tr,
                 round(predict(lr_fit, newdata = test, type = "response")))
         0   1
  High 625  51
  Low   46 546
   accuracy sensitivity specificity
1 0.9235016   0.9245562   0.9222973

Equivalent out to the hundredths place. Either model would be fine here.