About the Course

EDPY 507 - Measurement Theory I is designed for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners who want to develop, evaluate, and select measurement instruments in their professional roles. The course provides an introduction to the measurement concepts and models related to both classical test theory (CTT) and item response theory (IRT). First, the foundational concepts necessary to understand both theoretical positions will be presented. Then, we will apply these two test theories to solve important contemporary problems in educational and psychological measurement. You can find the course outline (syllabus) here.


Dr. Okan Bulut

Education Centre North 6-110 (Map)


Required Textbooks

Course Materials

The lecture notes and readings will be available on eClass. I suggest that you focus on the lecture notes first. If time permits, you should also complete the readings before attending the lectures. In addition to the lecture notes and readings, I will also share hands-on materials for conducting different types of psychometric analyses on this website. We will use two software programs: R and RStudio. The hands-on materials presented here will help you learn how to use R for data processing, data visualization, and psychometric analysis (see Learning R for further details on how to download and install R and RStudio).

About this website

I created this website to provide graduate students taking EDPY 507 with hands-on materials on psychometric analysis in R. The website includes several real-data examples involving psychometric analysis (both R codes and output). These examples will help you better understand the psychometric theories and concepts that we will discuss in the lectures. The entire content of this website has been prepared using R. The website has been built using the rmarkdown package. The course logo has been created by me using the hexSticker package.